The National Hydrography Dataset Plus High Resolution map of waterways, created by the US Geological Survey, is the highest-resolution survey of its kind.
With nearly 25 million rivers, streams, pipe lines, and other linear features, over 7 million lakes, ponds, reservoirs, wetlands, and other area features, and exciting new cartography, the new high resolution feature layer is a significant advance over the previous version, which was based on the NHD Medium resolution dataset, and had 3 million line features and less than a half million area features. Quite the difference in feature count!!!
It has everything, even underground and frozen streams, even the arroyos and playas where water was but now ain't. The essential "previously" is, of course, the historical map of the Mississippi River's many courses.

• Map of local embroidery techniques in Pakistan
• Map of public toilets in Ireland
• Giant 3D topographical wood map of Westeros ('Game of Thrones') made by a cartographer
• Infrared map of the Milky Way charts 1.5 billion objects
• A fascinating map of the most spoken languages in every US state besides English and Spanish