Doomguy may not have made the cut for Secret Level, but at least he's getting a new solo adventure as a consolation prize. The good people at id Software seem to have correctly deduced that there's really no sense in continuing the timeline after the entire world was invaded by demons in DOOM Eternal. Wise decision, unless we want DOOM in space – which DOOM has kind of always been! The course correction: DOOM: The Dark Ages, which was previously teased but has now been revealed in full.
Rather than push the story forward (inasmuch has DOOM has ever had a story), The Dark Ages dials the clock all the way back and lets you get medieval with it. The trailer shows off cyber-dragons, sprawling field battles straight out of Lord of the Rings, and giant mechs, seeming to indicate that maybe the game isn't strictly concerned with historical accuracy. Regardless, going full Army of Darkness on some demons is bound to be a blast when the game releases this March. Until then, you can whet your appetite by playing the original on basically anything with a motherboard.