Japan's next celebrity is a hat-wearing tortoise

Who said dogs were man's best friend? While Japan is hardly the bizarre, whimsical wonderland some may expect looking at it from the outside, there's still plenty of room for wonder in daily life. Case in point: Bon-chan, a Tokyo-dwelling giant tortoise making the social media rounds in Japan and beyond.

Bon-chan is owned by Mitani, a local undertaker, who bought the tortoise at his wife's request. That was 20 years ago, and he's since grown into a prehistoric monster drawing comparisons to Godzilla. His pet's local celebrity (and cute outfits) has brought increased traffic to his business, of course, although Mitani's advanced age and the long lifespan of the giant tortoise means it's likely Bon-chan will outlive him. Being in the profession he is, however, he's naturally unbothered:

"I hope there will be a person who'll tell me that he or she can take care of Bon-chan," Mitani said in 2019, as reported by Play Tokyo. "I assume that I can walk with Bon-chan another 10 years."

As of today, he's still going strong. Who knows, maybe Bon-chan can pass on some of his mythical immortality?

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