Mike, author of the Leaded Solder blog, fixed a decrepit Atari 2600 Jr—the final revision of the classic game console—with whatever he could get his hands on: "this 2600 Jr is sad, and it needs our help," he wrote.
Although I was happy the system worked, I was disappointed to find that the power switch was really hard to move. To fix this, I decided to take it apart once again and see if I could extract the switch sliders for a more thorough cleaning. This was easier if I was willing to twist the top case quite a bit to force them out, and they popped out.
Computer keycaps are cleaned easily using denture cleaning tablets. Since these are basically the same thing, I mixed up a batch of Polident for retainers and chucked these suckers in with it. I can't wait to see the great blue colour that it made. Hooray, man!
He is successful, despite the extremely poor condition of the machine and the seller's indifferent shipping provisions. Sometimes those "parts only" auctions are worth it, if you're handy!
• Enjoying the Atari 2600+ experience
• Atari's 2600+ gets retro gaming right
• A cheap and easy retrogaming console