This dog plays guitar better than most humans

I'm currently putting together a musical supergroup—but it's very niche, so you might not understand. It consists solely of dogs playing instruments with their tails. I've already lined up the drummer—it's this adorable dachshund who plays a mean metal trash can and stays on beat way better than I do when I'm playing drums. Remember the little guy, slap-slap-slapping away to "Louisiana Saturday Night"? Of course you do, how could you forget?

I also recently found the perfect lead guitarist—check out Lulu, who somehow strums perfect chords using only her tail. Her talent is quite remarkable, so she was a shoo-in for the band. Lulu lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where she regularly wows her human with her sweet, infectious (guitar) licks. I mean, she's seriously impressive, right?

Two down, a few more to go. I'm gonna need your help rounding out the band, please. Point me in the right direction, dear readers!

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