New pick for high-level State Department job: "Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work."

Remember way back in the Before Times (like, 2018) when being caught at a white nationalist conference would tank your political career? Not anymore! Meet Darren Beattie, your new acting State Department Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, because the guy who tweets that "competent white men must be in charge" is apparently exactly who we want representing America to the world. Yes, this is the same galaxy-brain who got kicked out of Trump's first administration for hanging with white nationalists, but now he's the belle of the Mar-a-Lago ball.

Rolling Stone reports that on January 6, while other MAGA patriots were smearing their doo doo on the wall to prove their superiority, Beattie was busy telling Black people to "learn their place" and "bend the knee to MAGA." Nothing says "I'm definitely not racist" like telling Ibram X. Kendi to "learn his proper role in our society."

This walking Dunning-Kruger graph actually claimed that working-class white men have it worse than Uyghurs in China. Yes, the genocide-experiencing Uyghurs. Beattie has it worse than them. Poor guy! Not sure how he got so fat and sleek on a starvation diet, but I guess his white guy superpowers are extra special at calorie conservation.

And where's Little Marco Rubio in all this? Doing what he does best — pretending this is all totally normal and fine while his State Department becomes a safe space for the "women be shopping, minorities be complaining" crowd.

To quote Beattie himself: "Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work." Which is exactly what you'd expect to hear from a mediocre white dude with the confidence of a mediocre white dude who thinks "attended white nationalist conference" is a LinkedIn skill.
