Hank Green's "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing": aliens vs social media fame vs polarization

Hank Green (previously) is one half of the famous and much-loved Vlog Brothers; while his brother John Green (previously) is well-known for his novels, Hank hasn't ventured into fiction -- until now. His debut novel, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing is a deceptively romp-y novel about mysterious samurai alien robot statues appearing all at once, everywhere that has hidden and absolutely remarkable depths.

Why smoke follows you around a fire

Hank Green explains why smoke seems to follow you around a campfire, no matter how hard to try to escape: the physics of convection and you impeding the flow of oxygen.

And the real key to understanding why smoke keeps blowing in your face is that the rising air doesn't just rise on its own.

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The science of vaccine denial

The only real scientific mystery about vaccines is why so many people buy into the deadly pseudoscience of vaccine denial and put their kids — and yours — at risk of catching ancient, vanquished, deadly diseases.

XKCD's "We Love the Internet" reenacted with Lessig, Gaiman, Nielsen Haydens, Schneier, and many others!

The incomparable Olga Nunes has released the latest and greatest iteration of the net's appreciation for Discovery Channel's "Boom-De-Yadda" commercial, reinacting the XKCD version with "Neil Gaiman, Wil Wheaton, Cory Doctorow,
Lawrence Lessig, Bruce Schneier, Jason Kottke,
Google Zurich, Hank Green, MC Frontalot, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Mr. — Read the rest