Reading Rainbow, remixed

Check out this hot, fresh, new reimagining of the "Reading Rainbow" theme, "In Your Imagination," starring your favorite book and reading advocate, LeVar Burton. I grew up with the old theme, which I loved ("Take a look, it's in a book, a Reading Rainbowwwww"), and I'm here to report that the Reading Rainbow Remix, "In Your Imagination," by John D. — Read the rest

What else happens in the "blink of an eye"?

John D. Boswell, better known as Melodysheep, brings us a visually-stunning illustration of the things that can happen in a fraction of a second across the known universe.

When we look up at night, the universe seems pretty quiet. But that perspective is an illusion; in reality, there are millions of world-shattering events happening every instant across the cosmos.

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