Snip from a Wired feature by Clive Thompson: Hasan Elahi whips out his Samsung Pocket PC phone and shows me how he's keeping himself out of Guantanamo. He swivels the… Read the rest of the article: Man who claims FBI is after him puts entire life online
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Xeni Jardin ( posted from Guatemala / Xeni ) Here's a first for NASA, if I'm not mistaken — snip from announcement: NASA Ames Center Director Dr. Pete Worden's speech at the… Read the rest of the article: NASA Ames co-director to speak about space in Second Life
Xeni Jardin ( posted from Guatemala / Xeni ) Great White Snark says, Howdy. Last month, I found myself incensed by your coverage of the Death Star cake. I applaud all pastry-tributes… Read the rest of the article: Star Wars cake wars: Max Rebo pastry vs. Death Star dessert
Xeni Jardin ( posted from Guatemala / Xeni ) "Airport screeners at six of the nation's busiest airports are testing out handheld explosive detectors designed by ICx Technologies to check sealed bottles… Read the rest of the article: TSA testing liquid explosive detectors, but liquid ban still on
Xeni Jardin ( posted from Guatemala / Xeni ) Following up on yesterday's link to a surreal short film by Jim Henson, here's an even earlier classic by the man who would… Read the rest of the article: Another trippy short by Jim Henson: The Cube (1969)
Xeni Jardin ( posted from Guatemala / Xeni ) And if you've ever wanted a website full of bad Bob Dylan impersonations, have I got a link for you. Thursday also happens… Read the rest of the article: Talk Like Bob Dylan day is May 24
Xeni Jardin Two options: (1) Saw off your leg and sell it to a Dreamworks publicist before July 4. (2) Transform it (heh) into an even bigger tattoo. Max, whose before and… Read the rest of the article: What do you do with an old Transformer tattoo?
Xeni Jardin Jon Gordon from Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) says, On MPR's wavLength blog and American Public Media's Future Tense program, there's a story about how we came across personally identifiable medical… Read the rest of the article: Medical records of Colorado residents compromised
Xeni Jardin I recently spent about a month in several West African countries (I'm typing this now from Central America). During my short stay on the continent, I became obsessed with local… Read the rest of the article: Smorgasbord of vintage African TV ads
Xeni Jardin "Design Made in Africa" is described as the world's first major traveling exhibit of contemporary African design. The show opened in New York a few weeks ago at 4 World… Read the rest of the article: Design Made in Africa: traveling exhibit
Xeni Jardin Well, at least the name doesn't sound as goddamned sissy as most of the hybrids we're able to buy back at home. At the Popular Mechanics blog, Brittany Marquis says:… Read the rest of the article: Hybrid military vehicle to hit Baghdad streets: "The Aggressor"
Xeni Jardin VonGuard says, At Maker Faire, the Alameda County Computer Resource Center (ACCRC) disgorged a large amount of old electronic equipment onto the floors of many an exhibit hall at the… Read the rest of the article: New uses for old tech junk: e-waste fun at Maker Faire
Xeni Jardin BoingBoing reader Andrew says, I know you guys love mash ups and psychedelic/surrealist art so you may really enjoy this, some experimental work by Jim Henson in the 1970s that… Read the rest of the article: Experimental, surrealist Jim Henson work from the 1970s
Xeni Jardin Link, and here's a blog post from Scott with more about his experience at this weekend's geekstravaganza.
Xeni Jardin Jesse Thorn from "The Sound of Young America" podcast says, My youngest brother Brendan (age 11) is the frontman of the band Total Annihilation. His stage name is Eddy Demon,… Read the rest of the article: Total Anhilation ('tween "robot punk" band) at Maker Faire
Xeni Jardin What happens when the person who taught you right from wrong starts breaking the rules? In this radio segment, my NPR News colleague Jim Gates drives his father, Philip Gates,… Read the rest of the article: Radio clip: Driving dad to jail for protesting School of the Americas
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Xeni Jardin BoingBoing reader Lord Andrew J. Andrews II sez, The USA Today recently gave a brief report concerning the victims of the Virginia Tech Massacre: "Slain Students Pages to Stay on… Read the rest of the article: Facebook profiles, dead or alive. No, seriously. Dead? Or alive?
Xeni Jardin Following up on a recent BB post about several US congresspersons who agreed to try and subsist off $21 in food stamps for a week (as they say our government… Read the rest of the article: Update on "congresscritters eat food stamps for a week" – TSA bans PBJ
Xeni Jardin BoingBoing names a Virgin America plane: "Unicorn Chaser" (Xeni) HD-DVD re-cracked six days *before* it is patched (Cory) Gibson on the Neuromancer movie rumor (Cory) The Sopranos Meet The Hippies… Read the rest of the article: BoingBoing week in review: May 14-20, 2007