Lawrence Lessig's SALT talk: the new federal government corruption

Kevin Kelly provided a nice summary of Larry Lessig's recent SALT ( Seminar About Long-Term Thinking) talk. It was about corruption in the US congress.

201201191245Lessig said the type of corruption rampant in the US Congress is not the old type of bribery, where congressional representatives had safes in their offices to hold the cash they received for voting in certain directions.

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Dodd's 30-minute anti-wiretapping barn-stormer — video

In this remarkable 30 minute speech captured from CSpan, Sentator Chris Dodd (D-Conn) speaks eloquently and rationally about the risk to America and its people should Congress pass the new FISA wiretap law, which will forgive phone companies for participating in the NSA's illegal warrantless spying on the entire nation. — Read the rest

AT&T wiretapping: Your two-minute guide

Danny sez, "Mark Klein, the whistleblower at the heart of EFF's case against AT&T over their complicity in the warrantless wiretapping of their users, went to Washington this week. He's explaining to Congressfolk and journalists there exactly what AT&T is doing, why it's blatantly illegal, and why Congress shouldn't give them retroactive immunity for their crimes. — Read the rest