Truth Social launched a few weeks back, but it's not going anywhere and Trump is reportedly upset about it.
In an appearance at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando last week, Trump said the app's launch was still ongoing.
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Former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon and GOP moneyman Elliot Broidy join a list of Trump pardon grantees that includes Paul Manafort and Roger Stone.
Here is the full list from the White House, which is reproduced below in full. — Read the rest
Devin Nunes is such an idiot.
In 2017, Carroll, Iowa police officer Jacob Smith resigned from the force after a disciplinary investigation regarding sexual encounters between Smith and teenaged girls.
It's an old story: someone searches Google for a common keyword — "jews," "women," "black people" — and gets back a bunch of far-right conspiracist/genocidal garbage; Google gets embarrassed, twiddles some search-weighting knobs, and the results change.
Devin Nunes (previously) is a Trump-loyalist whose scandals have ranged from secretly moving his family farm to make it easier to hire undocumented workers to a bizarre obsession with the Steele Dossier; and like a lot of far-right types, he's big on "preventing frivolous lawsuits" (which is to say, he wants to make it harder for the public to sue companies that harm them, which is why he cosponsored last year's Discouraging Frivolous Lawsuits Act.
Elon Musk, an avowed utopian anarchist, is one of the top fifty donors to the Republican Protect the House PAC, having funneled $38,900 to support the group's mission of protecting Republican Congressional seats.
Here is a full text copy of the much-disputed memo from GOP lickspittle Devin Nunes on Russia, which President Donald Trump approved in defiance of FBI and Justice officials. Short version: Much ado over a thinly sourced document that trips over itself, and provides nothing new of substance. — Read the rest
The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee today leaked information to President Donald Trump about the ongoing investigation into whether Trump's campaign collaborated with Russia to swing the election to his favor. — Read the rest
U.S. Senators gathered on Capitol Hill today seeking answers on Trump's relationship with Russia, and Trump's obviously bogus claim that U.S. President Barack Obama spied on his presidential campaign. — Read the rest
It's not just Rep Pete Hoekstra [R-MI] who switched sides in the surveillance debate when he discovered that his beloved NSA had been spying on him — a whole raft of Congressional NSA cheerleaders have followed the path that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the entire UK Parliament blazed when they learned that, as far as spies were concerned, no one was exempt.
Today in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence introduced an internet threat-sharing bill, "The Protecting Cyber Networks Act." — Read the rest

Earlier this week, Republican representative Devin Nunes referred to his colleagues in the US House of Representatives as "lemmings with suicide vests". I would like to propose that this characterization is vastly unfair. To the lemmings.
That's because real lemmings, such as the adorable little creature pictured above, aren't actually suicidal. — Read the rest