happy mutants Try your luck with "The Worst Day of Your Life" fortune telling machine at the Mystery House in Abita Springs, LA Jennifer Sandlin
werner herzog The curious history of the dancing chicken in Werner Herzog's 1977 film Stroszek Jennifer Sandlin
delightful cryptids Darrel the Dogigater — half dog and half gator — is worth the trip to Louisiana Jennifer Sandlin
archeology Sequencing the genome of a Pompeii resident and solving a 2,000 year old mystery Gareth Branwyn
unusual and peculiar colleges The College of Extraordinary Experiences transforms you in the most mind-blowing way Ferdinando Buscema
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Entertainment True Detective ends its first season as it began: with two indelible performances [Recap: season 1, episode 8] K.M. McFarland
books Stranger Than Science: "Astounding stories of strange events – all absolutely true!" Mark Frauenfelder