trains Amtrak to launch nonstop Washington D.C. — New York Acela train service, weekdays only, on September 23 Xeni Jardin
recipes How to make Elvis's famous Fool's Gold sandwich: The King's 8,000-calorie obsession Ellsworth Toohey
podcasts Musicland Stories is a delightful music-themed fantasy adventure podcast for all ages Thom Dunn
murder The strange sad story of a schizophrenic murderer who worshipped Sigourney Weaver as a goddess Thom Dunn
cannibalism The Badlands podcast looks into the lurid life of Armie Hammer, the "Cannibal Lover" Thom Dunn
micronations In 1948 James T. Mangan declared the entire universe to be a country under his protection Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Royals sell souls to the devil, TV's most hated host, and Cougar manhunts in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabloids The multiverse, universal wave function and quantum mechanics in this week's tawdry tabloids Peter Sheridan
jim turner Los Angeles: Join Dr. Zaius and Jim Turner as they 'Stand Up for America' Jason Weisberger
fake news Hoover killed JFK, RFK & MLK, Brad Pitt's private hell, and Mick Jagger's mental disorder, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan