Games What it was like working with procrastinator Douglas Adams on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" game Mark Frauenfelder
adventure time Funny parrot can't stop dancing to her favorite song, "Bacon Pancakes" Jennifer Sandlin
Pee-Wee Herman Pee-wee Herman fans are going all out for "Big Adventure" 35th anniversary tour Rusty Blazenhoff
rube goldberg Pee-wee's Big Adventure isn't the only movie with a Rube Goldberg breakfast machine Rusty Blazenhoff
happy mutants This French baker cruises around delivering fresh-baked goods to boaters Rusty Blazenhoff
Science Soonish: exciting technologies on the horizon, with excitement-preserving nuance Cory Doctorow
Alaska Photos of a family that's lived in near isolation in the Alaska wilderness for 18 years Mark Frauenfelder