miserable people Racist hurls ugly insults at United passenger — then faces the consequences (video) Carla Sinclair
airplanes Two Delta planes collided while taxiing, knocking off the smaller one's tail (video) Allan Rose Hill
deaths Woman dies at Chicago O'Hare airport "pinned in machinery" of baggage carrousel Carla Sinclair
airport travel Watch a couple ride through the airport in unison while sitting atop their suitcases Popkin
united airlines United Airlines' Christmas movie "Love in Plane Sight" is as awful as you'd imagine Jennifer Sandlin
canceled flights Passengers raise a stink after poop found on floor of easyJet plane (video) Carla Sinclair
auctions Python cowboy boots, Leica camera, cars, and too many water bottles at Pittsburgh airport auction David Pescovitz
politics NYT Opinion columnist David Brooks issues a mea culpa after spending $50 on a glass of whiskey while decrying the "terrible economy" Jennifer Sandlin
twitter NY Times' David Brooks, forgetting how much he drank, complains of $80 burger Mark Frauenfelder
Weird Aerial photo of John Travolta's house looks like if you asked an AI for a picture of a mansion that was also an airport terminal Rob Beschizza
eruptions Mount Etna erupts, causes Sicily's busiest airport to shut down — but it sure is pretty (video) Carla Sinclair