News Facebook users demand their Cambridge Analytica data, as 'dirty data' firm dies in bankruptcy Xeni Jardin
News Cambridge Analytica: Director 'met Assange to discuss U.S. election', channelled $ to WikiLeaks Xeni Jardin
Business Cambridge Analytica is out of business, but its heavy hitters have reopened under a new name Cory Doctorow
air travel First class passenger faces 20 years for "homophobic attack" on attendant who refused to serve him more alcohol Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants Calexit: a fractured California, where militias and the DHS battle the resistance in Trump's future America Cory Doctorow
computational propaganda Cambridge Analytica instructs its lawyers to warn journalists Mark Frauenfelder
christ what an asshole Cambridge Analytica became a US powerhouse thanks Mercer's laundered money and a judas goat named John Bolton Cory Doctorow
cambridge analytica Top execs at Cambridge Analytica boast about using sex workers to blackmail politicians Mark Frauenfelder
Culture Prototype dissidents: Timothy Leary and Václav Havel at the dawn of the internet age Lisa Rein and Michael Horowitz
Business Private-equity driven dentists accused of "dentally abusing" poor kids on Medicaid with painful, unnecessary procedures Cory Doctorow