google Google's AI-enhanced search suggests users add glue to their pizza and eat one small rock a day Natalie Dressed
News Securus Technologies loves charging exorbitant fees for families to talk to incarcerated loved ones Yoy Luadha
politics Self-pitying Capitol rioter Rachel Powell, headed for prison, shows no remorse in CNN interview Mark Frauenfelder
fun "This site will self-destruct" finally self-destructs after no-one signs guestbook for 24 hours Rob Beschizza
Funny Artist delivered a museum two blank canvases, titled "Take the Money and Run," and now has to pay back $81,000 David Pescovitz
gadgets HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it Rob Beschizza
twitter Developers paying through the nose for Twitter API access complain that it doesn't even work Rob Beschizza
maga Marjorie Taylor Greene spends first day back on Twitter spewing MAGA lies, then asking for $700,000 Carla Sinclair
art Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art Gareth Branwyn