History Remembering Velma Demerson: Grand soul, feminist, human rights advocate and writer Harry Kopyto
religion American fanatic arrested for smashing 2,000-year-old Roman statues in Israel Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Robert "The Hulk" Kennedy Jr and UFO death rays in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
unions Medieval Times Dinner Theater's new union-busting tactic? Claiming "trademark infringement" Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Gadgets These 20 air purifiers can help combat allergy season — and they're all on sale now Boing Boing's Shop
workers rights On The Tonight Show, John Oliver asks Alexa: "How bad are Amazon working conditions?" Gareth Branwyn
surveillance How deceptive browser extensions snaffled up 4m users' browsing history, including Nest videos, medical history and tax returns Cory Doctorow
facebook FCC grants Facebook-owned PointView Tech permit for experimental millimeter-wave CubeSat for satellite internet Xeni Jardin
trumpism Trump's cutback-crazed health secretary loves billing private jets to the US taxpayer Cory Doctorow