picks Fox News in free-fall as Bill Shine resigns, after many women's sexual harassment claims finally taken seriously Xeni Jardin
bizarre competitions Wolfing down scalding hot biscuits and other weird contests from 1897 Mark Frauenfelder
law Right to disconnect law passes in Australia: workers may ignore after-hours messages Rob Beschizza
machine learning engineers How Chase froze $180k and left a tech consultant scrambling Mark Frauenfelder
News San Francisco's Millennium Tower is now plagued by sewage backflows and murderous windows Jason Weisberger
politics Help stop KOSA, the internet censorship bill that will let politicians shut down sex ed, LGBTQ+ and womens' health sites Rob Beschizza
politics JD Vance 2016: "I believe the allegations." JD Vance 2024: "Trump is my boss now" Jason Weisberger