accidents Planes collide — not once but twice — at Boston's Logan Airport during busy Thanksgiving week Carla Sinclair
emergency landings United flight to Boston diverts when passengers notice "wing coming apart" (video) Carla Sinclair
tsa Boston airport terminal evacuated yesterday following discovery of possible bomb which… wasn't that David Pescovitz
immigration CBP went against court orders and deported an Iranian student with a fully legal presence in the country Thom Dunn
law EFF and ACLU triumph as federal judge rules that warrantless, suspicionless device searches at the border are illegal Cory Doctorow
News TSA to require some electronics out of bags at 10 U.S. airports starting Memorial Day weekend Xeni Jardin
law TSA routinely violates own rules and the law to discriminate against people w/disabilities Cory Doctorow
News NC teen stowaway breaches US airport security, hides in plane wheel well, dies, falls in Boston Xeni Jardin
News Naked scanner reveals airport screener's tiny penis, sparks steel baton fight with fellow officers Cory Doctorow
Happy Mutants Star Simpson, one year after Boston airport terror-scare: unedited BBtv interview transcript Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets BBtv: Star Simpson's first interview on the Boston airport LED sweatshirt scare. Xeni Jardin