naps A surgeon is fined $5,000 after ditching a patient in the operating room for a nap Carla Sinclair
books Swearing improves grip strength, Halloween sees a spike in child ADHD diagnoses, and more 2024 learnings David Pescovitz
COVID-19 Medical professionals and Healthcare providers are getting their pay cut while dealing with COVID-19 Thom Dunn
picks No, anti-vaccine hysteria didn't emerge from grassroots. This rich NYC couple funded it. Xeni Jardin
News Police reports show child sex abuse is rampant at immigrant detention facilities under Trump Xeni Jardin
Pills-a-go-go Drugs that are 30 years past their expiration date "still as potent as they were when they were manufactured" Mark Frauenfelder
trump Citing Trump as their role model, 2 white guys in Boston beat homeless Latino man nearly to death Xeni Jardin
health No detectable association between frequency of cannabis use and health or healthcare utilization Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Searching for Magic in India and Silicon Valley: An Interview with Daniel Kottke, Apple Employee #12 Avi Solomon