Comics Marvel's Children of the Vault is a post-human cyber thriller from the writer of 20th Century Men Thom Dunn
Comic Books Exploring the military industrial complex of the Ultimate post-9/11 Avengers comic Thom Dunn
books Check out this new book about the man who read every single Marvel Comic ever written. Thom Dunn
christ what an asshole The Credible Hulk: Ajit Pai thinks you only care about Net Neutrality because Mark Ruffalo told you to Cory Doctorow
angry buffoons Dictator Trump orders Fox to fire Paul Ryan from its board for being "disloyal" Carla Sinclair
cults Humiliating music video worships Donald Trump as "The Chosen One" and nope — it's not a MAGA parody (video) Carla Sinclair
politics CNN: Biden directs campaign "to highlight the crazy shit that Trump says in public" Jason Weisberger
fascism in america Trump lawyer shamelessly says it doesn't matter if Trump is guilty of insurrection (video) Carla Sinclair
trump Trump's J6 legal defense: he never swore to support the Constitution, despite taking an oath to protect it Mark Frauenfelder
MAGA Fake MAGA electors in Michigan claim they are not guilty — they were "brainwashed" Carla Sinclair
donald trump "He could stand on the front steps of the White House and commit murder and I'm with him," says Trump supporter Mark Frauenfelder