Democrats The Democratic Party is surging thanks to leftist policies, but its leadership are convinced they have to stop it Cory Doctorow
elections No such thing as Bernie Bros: Bernie's approval rates are women 50%, blacks 70%, latinx 55%; men 46%, whites 43% Cory Doctorow
the MAGA National Committee Marjorie Taylor Greene celebrates after RNC bloodbath: "MAGA is now in control!" Carla Sinclair
Republicans After video surfaces, CO lawmaker blames secret drunk driving arrest on Denver crime Carla Sinclair
Business Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO, facing sex trafficking claims, sues his old company Rob Beschizza
tabloids Robert "The Hulk" Kennedy Jr and UFO death rays in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
anti-lgbtq Budweiser clears out workers after bomb threat over Mulvaney controversy — which could be good for profits Carla Sinclair
MAGA logic Racist Congressman blames recent Ohio train derailments on diversity (video) Carla Sinclair
tabloids China attacks America, and Democrats gun for Biden, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
politics Instead of a bible, congressman sworn in with his hand on a rare Superman comic David Pescovitz
the cruelty is the point A GOP operative was arrested last month for kicking a dog in the stomach. Rep. Mike Collins just selected him for chief of staff Mark Frauenfelder