footage Bodycam footage shows deputies closing in on San Jose mass shooter, who kills self as they approach Rob Beschizza
crime Guards didn't notice prison inmate had beheaded cellmate and was wearing parts of his body Rob Beschizza
Bags of douche Conservative operatives charged with voter intimidation after nasty robocall campaign Rob Beschizza
trump New Lincoln project highlights Trump's lies and bungling of the pandemic response Mark Frauenfelder
COVID-19 Wear a face mask in public to slow COVID-19, says CDC — 'I don't think I'm going to be doing it,' says Trump Xeni Jardin
Business Blizzard's corporate president publicly apologizes for bungling players' Hong Kong protests, never mentions Hong Kong Cory Doctorow
youtube People who document evidence of violent extremism are being shut down in Youtube's crackdown on violent extremism Cory Doctorow
human rights Leaked, "highly classified" French report shows that the slaughter in Yemen depends on US support Cory Doctorow
robbers Gentleman steals $2,100 from an office safe, then gets busted after falling asleep mid-robbery Carla Sinclair
Business Just because Cambridge Analytica tells its customers it can sway elections, it doesn't follow that they're any good at it Cory Doctorow
trumpism Puerto Rico, abandoned by Trump and facing disaster capitalism looting by big business, turns to socialist and anarchist collectives to rebuild Cory Doctorow
uk Theresa May coughs through a catastrophic party conference speech plagued by pranks and a crumbling set Cory Doctorow