poop DUMPkin Spice Wet Wipes will make your butt smell like a Pumpkin Spice Latte, if that's a thing you want Thom Dunn
laughing stocks Donald Trump gets mocked after racist remarks with viral hashtag: "#WhenITurnedBlack" Carla Sinclair
google Google's AI-enhanced search suggests users add glue to their pizza and eat one small rock a day Natalie Dressed
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Delightful Creatures Older doggo tries her darndest to play with sleepy new puppy — then wonders why her human brought home such a dud (video) Carla Sinclair
"Is that you, Donald?" The Lincoln Project gaslights Donald Trump and his stinky, crappy day (video) Carla Sinclair
Larry David Geraldo Rivera's awkward encounter with Larry David is "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Mark Frauenfelder
weirdos Bizarre Katie Britt now blaming Speaker Mike Johnson for her humiliating speech (video) Carla Sinclair
desperate memoirists Marjorie grovels to "libtard" Jimmy Kimmel, asks to be on his show (video) Carla Sinclair
History Downright freaky Halloween costumes from a rural Scottish island in the 1930s (video) David Pescovitz