videos Help crowdfund the Harlem Cryptoparty and 100 unlimited, privacy-protecting wifi hotspots for Puerto Rico Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Touring, complete: what gear survived four months of hard-wearing book-tour? Cory Doctorow
happy mutants I have found a secret tunnel that runs underneath the phone companies and emerges in paradise Cory Doctorow
Reddit can't talk about National Security Letters and warrant canaries, but ACLU can, in a Reddit AMA, LOL Xeni Jardin
corruption Canarywatch: fine-grained, high-alert system to detect and reveal secret government snooping Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Privacy-first ISP raising money for online services that can't and won't fink you out to spy agencies Cory Doctorow