Business Machine learning scientist quits Google over plan to launch censored Chinese search tool Cory Doctorow
science fiction How censorship soured Chinese pride over hit sci-fi adaptation of "3 Body Problem" Yoy Luadha
History The long arc of counter-revolution to fascism, according to historian Gerald Horne Elías Villoro
History Chinese government demands Genghis Khan museum exhibit not use words "Genghis Khan" David Pescovitz
censorship Disney's live-action "Mulan" remake pissed off human rights activists, which pissed off the Chinese government Thom Dunn
mistakes Blanked-out areas of Baidu Maps reveal location of Chinese camps, prisons, military facilities, the lot Rob Beschizza
politics 'Untrusted' Chinese apps like TikTok and WeChat must be banned from U.S. app stores, says Pompeo promoting 'Clean Network' Xeni Jardin
News China censors Weibo for 'interfering with online communication orders, disseminating illegal information' Xeni Jardin
coronavirus After health expert in China said new coronavirus was "under control," he himself became infected Carla Sinclair
china DC Comics kills Batman image because China insisted it was supporting the Hong Kong protests Cory Doctorow
censorship Genetic Evasion: using genetic algorithms to beat state-level internet censorship Cory Doctorow
web theory Freedom House: Thanks to social media, internet freedom is down for the the ninth straight year Cory Doctorow
Business Apple's capitulation over Hong Kong protest app isn't new; and the NBA is racing it to the bottom Cory Doctorow