canada Ontario town councillor posted racial slur to Facebook then claimed his account was hacked and asked IT to wipe his hard-drive Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Ajit Pai made Elizabeth Pierce his "broadband advisor," and now she's been arrested for a $250,000,000 fraud Cory Doctorow
crime New York judge admits to repeatedly breaking into young woman's home to steal her dirty underwear Cory Doctorow
corruption Scott Pruitt is such a colossal asshole that the lobbyists who were bribing him with nearly-free lodgings evicted him Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole FCC refuses public records request about Ajit Pai's monumentally unfunny "comedy" videos Cory Doctorow
privacy Zuckerberg: Facebook will not stop spying on Americans to comply with EU privacy law Cory Doctorow
class war Even the telco industry thinks Ajit Pai is an asshole for maiming Lifeline, a broadband subsidy for poor Americans Cory Doctorow
law Alex Jones falsely accused a guy of being the Parkland school shooter, so now he's being sued for more than $1,000,000 Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Cambridge Analytica became a US powerhouse thanks Mercer's laundered money and a judas goat named John Bolton Cory Doctorow
corruption FCC chairman Ajit Pai receives heaps of insults after tweeting about his love for The Big Lebowski Mark Frauenfelder
Business Gothamist unionized and its evil Trumpist billionaire owner shut it down; now public radio is bringing it back Cory Doctorow
politics Before standing for the Democratic nomination in a NY congressional race, Patrick Ryan was in business spying on union organizers and left-wing activists Cory Doctorow
corruption FCC opens corruption investigation into Ajit Pai, who likes to joke about being a corporate puppet Cory Doctorow
censorship Peter Thiel, "libertarian," wants to buy Gawker's archive, which would give him the power to censor stories he didn't like Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole NERD HARDER! FBI Director reiterates faith-based belief in working crypto that he can break Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole ICE Director wants criminal charges against local officials in sanctuary cities Cory Doctorow
science fiction Nebraska State Senator proposes constitutional amendment to allow corporations to create tiny, sovereign nations with no laws, taxes or rules Cory Doctorow
corruption Cowardice: After killing Net Neutrality in a torrent of lies and sleaze, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai cancels his CES appearance Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Peter Thiel: the "libertarian" who loves mass government surveillance, monopolies, and censorship Cory Doctorow