late stage capitalism Majority of American millionaires support a wealth tax on American millionaires Cory Doctorow
barack obama Watch MAGA candidate squirm when asked to autograph her violent Obama tweets Ellsworth Toohey
revenge politics Rep. Raskin sounds alarm on extensive "target list" from Trump's "secretary of retribution" Carla Sinclair
politics GOP nominee shared violent fantasies about killing Biden over masks and televising Obama execution: meet Michele Morrow Mark Frauenfelder
Last human standing in magaland Mitt Romney's dire warning to Mitch McConnell before Jan. 6: "There are calls to burn down your home, Mitch" Carla Sinclair
she seems nice Marjorie Taylor Greene posts a video saying, "Joe Biden, you're not a president, you're a piece of shit" Mark Frauenfelder
media Newsmax includes dead man and Ben Shapiro in lineup of contemporary black conservatives Rob Beschizza
russia If you want to understand Putin, learn about Alexander Dugin, the fascist Russian charlatan beloved by the U.S.'s far-right Mark Frauenfelder
President Volodymyr Zelensky Ukraine President Zelensky on Thursday night: "This might be the last time you see me alive" Carla Sinclair
qanon Lin Wood is mad at Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Empty Gee, Michael Flynn, and QAnon leaders are calling for bloodshed Mark Frauenfelder
mainstream republicans QAnon Shaman deserves 4 years in prison, says Justice Department Mark Frauenfelder
meidas touch This anti-GQP ad doesn't hold back, calling out Trump's traitorous base for what they really are Carla Sinclair
parodies Mary Poppins updates her most famous song with "GOP's-A-Cult-For-Scammers-Liars-Thugs-And-Traitors" Carla Sinclair
insurrections Teen who told the FBI on his father for breaking into Capitol is now in hiding Carla Sinclair