bumblers for president Trump glitches again — this time slurring and stopping mid-sentence in Truth Social post Carla Sinclair
donald trump Trump's 22-second brain freeze: Is Fox News covering up a Glitch McConnell moment? Ellsworth Toohey
Confused racists Trump bizarrely blames Harris for turned-Black remark: "She said it. I didn't say it" (video) Carla Sinclair
Peculiar behavior Trump time-traveled to the 1950s and came back with this PSA on cognitive decline (video) Carla Sinclair
cognitive decline Instant Karma: Donald Trump bashes Biden for his age — then forgets name of his own doctor (video) Carla Sinclair
cognitive disorders Uh oh! Donald Trump loses it again, this time forgetting what the word "election" means (video) Carla Sinclair
donald trump Trump [does not — see update] Vietnam War with Desert Storm in bizarre speech (video) Mark Frauenfelder
donald trump Donald Trump glitches out — says Jeb Bush was president who got us into Iraq War (video) Carla Sinclair
cognitive decline Dianne Feinstein can't remember leaving Capitol for 3 months; snaps at reporter, "I haven't been gone." Mark Frauenfelder
neuroscience Scientists discover sniffing menthol protects mice from Alzheimer's disease Ellsworth Toohey
"senior moments" Megyn Kelly joins Nikki Haley in bashing Donald Trump: "He rambles…probably age-related" (video) Carla Sinclair
donald trump Trump's brain on a 40-year downward spiral, according to analysis of his speeches over time Ellsworth Toohey
cannabis Boomers find brain boost in bong rips: slashes risk of self-reported cognitive decline by 96% Mark Frauenfelder