corruption The Orlando shooting, according to the Congressmen who took the most money from the NRA Cory Doctorow
politics U.S. House of Representatives is looking "very closely" at remote voting, as COVID-19 pandemic drags on Xeni Jardin
gop Reminder: ousted California Republican Dana Rohrabacher is a filthy tenant from hell Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Vote for Net Neutrality: today's the day to tell would-be Congresscritters where you stand Cory Doctorow
Action ACT NOW: Only hours remain to stop Congress from sneaking in massive new NSA spying powers Cory Doctorow
corruption Here are some of the lavish, lobbyist-funded parties that Congress and the Trump administration will attend this month Cory Doctorow
corruption Anti-Net Neutrality Congresscritters made serious bank from the cable companies Cory Doctorow
corruption Cable lobbyists strong-arm Congresscritters into signing anti-Net Neutrality petition Cory Doctorow
corruption Trans-Pacific Partnership: how the US Trade Rep is hoping to gut Congress with absurd lies Cory Doctorow
A look at the Information Dominance Center, a replica ST:TNG Enterprise bridge used to sell surveillance to Congress Cory Doctorow
law Which Congresscritters want to sell out the America's laws to offshore copyright giants? Cory Doctorow
politics Bribery: pro-NSA Congressional voters got twice the defense industry campaign contributions Cory Doctorow