politics Google spent ~$150 million on US lobbying over last decade, followed by Facebook at ~$81M, Amazon almost $80M: Federal filings Xeni Jardin
politics DeSmog is the antidote to disinformation about climate, energy, and environmental issues Jennifer Sandlin
art Performance artist with Pfizer tattoo on head ate a live bat outside of European Parliament as an act of protest David Pescovitz
taxes British Virgin Islands announces plans to finally make company ownership information public Thom Dunn
usps They're never going to get rid of the Postal Service because then who would deliver the scorpions? Thom Dunn
late stage capitalism Manhattan: a city of empty luxury condos and overflowing homeless shelters Cory Doctorow
corruption Bernie supporters are the most diverse of any Democratic presidential contender Cory Doctorow
corruption Hunter Biden's Ukraine gig was corrupt, just not in the way Republican conspiracists claim it was Cory Doctorow
corruption Elizabeth Warren proposes an "excessive lobbying tax" that would fund independent Congressional experts and public participation in policy Cory Doctorow
health Sleuths discover the source of $28m in dark money lobbying in favor of emergency room "surprise bills": private equity firms that own doctors' practices Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Republic of Lies: the rise of conspiratorial thinking and the actual conspiracies that fuel it Cory Doctorow