mindless speakers Biden kindly helps befuddled Speaker Johnson recall the horrifying events Trump incited on Jan. 6 (video) Carla Sinclair
trump riot Use this handy chart to decode GOP talking points about the attempted coup Mark Frauenfelder
politics Would anything stop Ted Cruz from pulling this dirty trick to prevent Biden from being sworn in? Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment The first episode of "The Honeymooners" is a deeply disturbing drama about a toxic relationship Ellsworth Toohey
donald trump Hilarious Trump parody: MAGA worshipper's delusional tribute seems too real Ellsworth Toohey
marriage Couple celebrates 57 years of marriage decades after wife attempted to kill husband multiple times David Pescovitz
Look before you leap Couple shocked to learn ISP wants an exorbitant amount of money to connect their home to the internet Jason Weisberger