Copyfight Failed white supremacist "law-and-order" Toronto mayoral candidate is now breaking the law by selling Canadian coat-of-arms merch Cory Doctorow
corporatism The sordid tale of Microsoft's epic tax evasion and the war they waged against the IRS Cory Doctorow
Copyfight CN Tower's management company claims that any picture of the landmark building is a trademark violation Cory Doctorow
uk The Chinafication of the internet continues as the UK proposes blocking any service that hosts "illegal" or "harmful" material Cory Doctorow
Business In two days, an EU committee will vote to crown Google and Facebook permanent lords of internet censorship Cory Doctorow
Copyfight UPDATED Scanning artists de-loot stolen Egyptian treasure from a German museum Cory Doctorow
Copyfight How Hollywood-funded corporate vigilantes in the UK shut down SURF THE CHANNEL and sent its owner to jail Cory Doctorow
Copyfight France's batshit HADOPI copyright law on life-support; three strikes is dying Cory Doctorow
Games All Your Base are Belong to Us: how 50 years of videogames conquered pop culture Mark Frauenfelder