late stage capitalism Older Americans are working beyond retirement age at levels not seen since 1962 Cory Doctorow
infosec Leaked Chinese database of 1.8 million women includes a field indicating whether they are "BreedReady" Cory Doctorow
bernie sanders Long COVID expert at US Senate hearing: "the burden of disease and disability from long COVID . . . is on par with the burden of cancer and heart disease" Jennifer Sandlin
climate change is real Gen Z'ers who aspired to work in the oil industry are feeling very sad about their future prospects Thom Dunn
class war The right is bankrolled by self-interested one-percenters making long-term investments; the left, by one-percenters with "moral whims" Cory Doctorow
guillotine watch With "OK boomer," millennials are killing intergenerational resentment Cory Doctorow
racism "The Tragedy of the Commons": how ecofascism was smuggled into mainstream thought Cory Doctorow
china China's One Child Policy coming home to roost: old people, in big cities, frightened of the sky Cory Doctorow
trumpism The longest-serving Congressman in US history proposes a four fixes for American democracy Cory Doctorow
china Viral road-rage video sparks mob violence in Beijing, revealing deep regional rifts Cory Doctorow
security The most interesting thing about the "Thanksgiving Effect" study is what it tells us about the limits of data anonymization Cory Doctorow
Kids Stagnant wages + soaring cost of living + massive cuts to services = collapsing US birth-rate Cory Doctorow
fake news Prince Charles' four love children, the Clintons' corruption, and who needs Brad Pitt anyway, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
usausausa Majority of Democrats now hold favorable views of mass-murdering simpleton George W Bush Cory Doctorow