psychology How an 1800s French doctor's experiments with electrocuted faces revealed science of real smiles Ellsworth Toohey
neuroscience Scientists discover how to hack the vagus nerve to fight autoimmune diseases Ellsworth Toohey
medical Man with perfect vision surprised when doctors discover a chopstick lodged behind his eye Allan Rose Hill
drugs FDA approves J&J's patented psychedelic esketamine for depression without requiring you take other antidepressants with it Allan Rose Hill
Surgeon gives himself a vasectomy and posts video of procedure to Instagram as "gift" to his wife Allan Rose Hill
psychology Stanford's massive tobacco ad archive reveals a century of psychological manipulation Ellsworth Toohey
books Punk programmers and queer hackers expose Reagan-era tech corruption in Cory Doctorow's new novel, on Kickstarter now Mark Frauenfelder
public health As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin
books Swearing improves grip strength, Halloween sees a spike in child ADHD diagnoses, and more 2024 learnings David Pescovitz