politics AI says America going full dystopia, suggests starting Hunger Games training now Ellsworth Toohey
efficiency Sean Duffy admits firing up to 400 FAA workers before latest Delta Air Lines crash Carla Sinclair
travel safety Trump fires "hundreds" of FAA workers — hours before yet another deadly plane crash Carla Sinclair
jobs Jasmine Crockett zings Elon Musk with heartfelt 'apology' to MAGA: 'You were 1000 percent correct' on immigrants Carla Sinclair
nuclear weapons We're all gonna die: Adults scramble to rehire nuke experts after Musk's efficiency bros' mass firing Ellsworth Toohey
delightful creatures Watch: Huge Saint Bernard trolls his owner by taking a nap — right against the front door (she can't get in the house!) Carla Sinclair
politics Britain's Chancellor Rachel Reeves fibbed on resume and was investigated over expenses at last real job Rob Beschizza
absurdity "Who the hell voted for 'Big Balls?!'" In other words, why does a DOGE teenager get to gut federal agencies, asks strategist Carla Sinclair