Copyfight Scorching legal response from to the unsealed US gov't docs on the illegal, sleazy seizure of its domain name Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Court records unsealed for seizure, reveal that US Customs operated as hired thugs for the RIAA Cory Doctorow
surveillance Check out "Forever Wars," a new newsletter that reimagines national security reporting Thom Dunn
police US Police have stolen $68 billion in the past 20 years from American citizens without due process Thom Dunn
happy mutants Documentation Gathering, Sanitization, and Storage: an excerpt from "A Public Service" Tim Schwartz
security New Vpnfilter analysis: modules attack router owners and target industrial control systems; reinfection still possible, more routers vulnerable Cory Doctorow
Business Wisconsin clears the way for Foxconn by bulldozing working peoples' homes and paying them pennies on the dollar Cory Doctorow
cards against humanity Cards Against Humanity purchases border territory to stop Trump's wall, gets legal advice and builds trebuchet, to make it stick Cory Doctorow
privacy Canada's new Liberal majority: better than the Tories, still terrible for the Internet Cory Doctorow