education Meet the Depression-era vaudeville family that set a world record for school-hopping Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Shop Want to be more efficient this year? You need Microsoft's project management tools Boing Boing's Shop
music Steely Dan's Donald Fagen curses out the makers of a new documentary on Yacht Rock Ruben Bolling
politics Former comedian Russell Brand ended up selling "magical amulets" for "EMF protection" Jennifer Sandlin
politics "I'm a black NAZI," among online writings of GOP governor candidate Mark Robinson. "I'd take Hitler [over] Washington right now!" Rob Beschizza
political gaffes Donald says "stupid people" announce they are out of ammunition, then announces the U.S. is out of ammunition Ellsworth Toohey
comeuppance Ouch! Ann Coulter gets roasted to death by DC comedian, and it's brutal (video) Carla Sinclair