sickos in charge Workers must wear genital-matching clothes or face termination, says Texas AG commissioner Carla Sinclair
missouri "Ridiculous!" Missouri's House Republicans made stricter dress code — but only for women (video) Carla Sinclair
schools Florida: high school staffer edited 80 yearbook photos of girls to appear more "modest" David Pescovitz
native americans Oklahoma public school allows Navajo student to wear moccasins at graduation Jason Weisberger
dress codes Principal forces high school girl to kneel so he can check if her skirt is too short Mark Frauenfelder
politics NY Times thinks Murdoch's sneakers are news—his attempt to destroy American democracy, not so much Ellsworth Toohey
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texas Austin's guaranteed basic income pilot program was a hit. A GOP state senator doesn't want it to happen in Houston Jennifer Sandlin
education A Texas high school desperately wants a Black student to change his hairstyle Jason Weisberger
climate change Phoenix area librarian's shoes melted to the sidewalk during crosswalk duty Jennifer Sandlin