Technology Try Bouncing Beholder, a complete platform game in just 1,024 bytes of code Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Visual Studio Pro now costs less than dinner out: Microsoft's premium IDE for $28 Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Shop Want to be more efficient this year? You need Microsoft's project management tools Boing Boing's Shop
Technology Breakthrough in reversible computing technology promises to solve the computing industry's energy crisis Ellsworth Toohey
politics America's crime grandpa gets slapped with contempt charge for being a sneaky little sh*t Ellsworth Toohey
Business Big Potato under fire: how 4 suppliers raised prices in suspicious lockstep Ellsworth Toohey
politics Costco claps back at "reprehensible radical right" organization's anti-DEI demand Jennifer Sandlin
Culture Spotify uses ghost artists to "shape listening behavior" and avoid paying real ones Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's how your idea for an app, API, or website can come to life without any coding Boing Boing's Shop
wikipedia Wikipedia's 7-year yogurt spelling war was longer than three Shakespeare plays Mark Frauenfelder