movies Hugh Grant stars in A24 thriller about charming but deranged man who forces mormon missionaries into basement labyrinth Rob Beschizza
performance art MSCHF's latest project is "Rat Chat," where you can name their office rat for a mere three dollars Jennifer Sandlin
Excellent 1990s camcorder footage of young man dancing alone in his room to The Prodigy David Pescovitz
fun "This site will self-destruct" finally self-destructs after no-one signs guestbook for 24 hours Rob Beschizza
gadgets HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it Rob Beschizza
tourism "Danger tourist" who said Brooklyn was more dangerous than Afghanistan captured by Taliban in Afghanistan Thom Dunn
art Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art Gareth Branwyn
landmarks New Orleans' Historic Perseverance Hall collapsed this week after heavy rains Jennifer Sandlin