security Propublica finds millions of Americans' medical images and data sitting on unprotected, publicly accessible servers Cory Doctorow
News OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty on criminal charges including anti-kickback law, and defrauding the U.S. Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets The Vatican's new electronic rosary is activated by activated by making the sign of the cross John Struan
data breaches An FDNY employee may have compromised the personal information of over 10,000 people Séamus Bellamy
surveillance How deceptive browser extensions snaffled up 4m users' browsing history, including Nest videos, medical history and tax returns Cory Doctorow
floss Electronic Health Records: a murderous, publicly subsidized, $13B/year grift by way of shitty software Cory Doctorow
privacy China will collect the DNA of every adult in Xinjiang province, where Uyghur people are systematically oppressed Cory Doctorow
security Security of America's healthcare system is on the brink of catastrophic collapse Cory Doctorow
tabloids National Enquirer succeeds where FBI and White House have failed, finding "Proof Obama Wiretapped Trump!" Peter Sheridan