singularity A new draft of Resisting Reduction, a manifesto against the Singularity, for a "culture of flourishing" Cory Doctorow
Science COVID almost certainly originated in a wet market, groundbreaking genetic study Allan Rose Hill
animals Bring home the bagels, not the bacon: animal rights activists urge us to change idioms Allan Rose Hill
public health Homeopathic Berlin Wall Pills made from its pulverized concrete "treat" loneliness, isolation, and oppression Jennifer Sandlin
Funny Humans or cicadas? Forest Preserve staff hilariously act out the 17-year cicada life cycle Jennifer Sandlin
fox news Tucker Carlson humiliates himself by denying evolution on Joe Rogan podcast Mark Frauenfelder
vladimir putin New Age conspiracy theorist praises Putin and Tucker Carlson's charge against the Satanic Cabal Jennifer Sandlin
auctions Spike Lee's Nike Air Jordans, worth more than $15k, found in homeless shelter donation bin David Pescovitz