california CA Gov. Newsom on returning Bruce's Beach to the family it was stolen from Jason Weisberger
native americans The Trump administration is blowing up a religious burial site to make room for their stupid wall Thom Dunn
Business Wisconsin clears the way for Foxconn by bulldozing working peoples' homes and paying them pennies on the dollar Cory Doctorow
cards against humanity Cards Against Humanity purchases border territory to stop Trump's wall, gets legal advice and builds trebuchet, to make it stick Cory Doctorow
politics Ron Paul wants to expropriate from his supporters without compensation Cory Doctorow
Righting Wrongs Details around the return of beachfront property wrongfully stripped from a black family 100 years ago Jason Weisberger
justice Beach town offers subsidized housing to families evicted by racist policies of the 50s and 60s Jason Weisberger
dupe Beachfront property taken from black owners in the '20s may be returned 100 years later Janelle Hessig
real estate The government in Barcelona is seizing empty apartments from landlords who won't rent them out Thom Dunn
happy mutants The Canadian government has released the surprisingly sensible results of its extensive, year-long review of copyright law Michael Geist
dupe Eminent Domain: registrar gives to the French government, destroying its owner's business Rob Beschizza