happy mutants Inventing a better future of work: the Working Futures science fiction anthology of better futures for workers and jobs Mike Masnick
Business As Uber's stock craters amid billions in unanticipated losses, a hiring freeze on engineers Cory Doctorow
class war Stop saying "robots are coming for your job"; start saying "Your boss wants to replace you with a robot" Cory Doctorow
security Princeton's interdisciplinary Center for Information Technology Policy is seeking visiting scholars Cory Doctorow
security Job opening: senior security engineer to work on SecureDrop and protect whistleblowers Cory Doctorow
Business America has an epidemic of workplace miscarriages, caused by pregnancy discrimination Cory Doctorow
class war Unpacking the US's "low unemployment": stagnant wages, bad jobs, high incarceration, discouraged workers back in school Cory Doctorow
gender Amazon trained a sexism-fighting, resume-screening AI with sexist hiring data, so the bot became sexist Cory Doctorow