trains Norfolk Southern gave $5 to Ohio East Palestinians affected by toxic train explosion Thom Dunn
corruption Steven Donziger proved oil company Chevron dumped billions of tons of toxic waste. But he's the one going to jail. Thom Dunn
climate change Republicans get billions of dollars in public funding to fight climate change by pretending that it isn't real Thom Dunn
environmental disasters Ongoing methane leak near Los Angeles is the "worst environmental disaster since 2010 BP oil spill" Mark Frauenfelder
china New Microsoft report says China campaign accused U.S. of using a military-grade "weather weapon" to deliberately start the Maui wildfires Mark Frauenfelder
climate change Scientists release hundreds of thousands of crabs in Florida to protect coral reefs Thom Dunn
Business PwC study: The new #1 reason CEOs get booted is because they are sexual predators and thieves David Pescovitz
class war Puerto Rico is a tax-haven for rich mainlanders and is also too broke to survive hurricanes: are these facts possibly related, somehow? Cory Doctorow
anthropogenics Intelligent engineering and planning brings (some) life back to the Aral Sea Clive Thompson
usausausa $300,000,000,000+: 2017's American "natural disaster" bill was by far the highest in history Cory Doctorow