politics Trump admin sued for requiring foreigners to disclose social media accounts when applying for visas Xeni Jardin
privacy Trump administration wants to force visitors to US to reveal social media passwords and answer questions about political beliefs Cory Doctorow
politics Donald Trump Jr. book sales reportedly goosed by bulk purchases "close to the author" Rob Beschizza
class war Behold! The astonishing mental gymnastics of TSA apologists explaining why rich people don't need to be screened Cory Doctorow
trumpism Coalition of 100+ tech groups and leaders warn the DHS that "extreme vetting" software will be a worse-than-useless, discriminatory nightmare Cory Doctorow
wikipedia Can Everipedia remake collaborative encyclopedias to be inclusive and enjoyable? Andrea James
politics Here's the weirdest, scariest stuff Trump said at 77-minute 'I'm not ranting and raving' meltdown Xeni Jardin
trump Trump's DHS plan leaked by Kris Kobach, who thinks more about Sharia law than folders Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Free Little Brother for librarians, teachers, etc — a tipjar alternative for people who loved the free ebook Cory Doctorow