education Security expert offers hacking advice to students whose campuses have implemented pervasive wireless surveillance Cory Doctorow
politics Facebook de-platforms 4 Myanmar armed groups. Military behind Rohingya abuse didn't like them either. Xeni Jardin
Copyfight Wanting It Badly Is Not Enough: Real Problems For Creators Deserve Real Solutions Cory Doctorow
surveillance Oh for fuck's sake, not this fucking bullshit again (cryptography edition) Cory Doctorow
security Leaked NSA docs: Russian military hacked US voting software company, spearphished 122 election officials Cory Doctorow
surveillance UAE surveillance contractor is recruiting an army of foreign hackers to break into its citizens' devices Cory Doctorow
politics Using distributed code-signatures to make it much harder to order secret backdoors Cory Doctorow
videos Chaos Computer Club claims it can unlock Iphones with fake fingers/cloned fingerprints Cory Doctorow