Florida Florida man, er, priest did not want a church-goer to receive communion — so he bit her Carla Sinclair
florida men Belligerent man arrested after throwing a fit because bacon was not cooked to his liking Mark Frauenfelder
ice Mysterious six-foot ice spear falls from sky and pierces metal roof of Florida home Allan Rose Hill
guns Stoned Utah man tests friend who says he can "dodge bullets" — and shoots him dead in the process Carla Sinclair
consumer rights Judge rules herbal tea purchase doesn't count as damages, personally attacks our entire lifestyle Ellsworth Toohey
illusory truth effect Planting the seeds: Donald Trump asks Mike Johnson if he's "allowed" to run a 3rd term (video) Carla Sinclair
Bondi moments Trump-pick Pam Bondi is the dimmest bulb in the room — just how MAGA likes it (video) Carla Sinclair
politics After that drone strike on a firefighting airplane DJI decides to remove geo-fencing for no fly-zones Jason Weisberger
guns Blind person with gun accidentally shoots friend instead of the roommate he meant to hit Allan Rose Hill
weird incidents LA couple terrified after "watermelon-size" ice chunk crashes through roof — JetBlue plays innocent, but FAA disagrees Carla Sinclair
texas Substitute teacher watches porn in class — until kids report him (and police take him away) Carla Sinclair
cloud seeding Marjorie Taylor Greene scoffs at LA firefighters — why can't they just make it rain? Carla Sinclair
law Florida woman pooped on dollar store floor while accomplice stole cleaning products Rob Beschizza